Immediate Achieve AI™ Terms & Conditions

Latest revision: May 31, 2023

Kindly review these terms and conditions meticulously prior to utilizing Our Service.

Interpretation and Definitions


All terms with capitalized alphabets in the beginning, show that definitions are established under the stipulated conditions. They will have the same meaning whether using them in singular or plural form.


About these Guidelines and Regulations:

"Affiliate" refers to an entity that controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with a party. In this context, "control" means owning 50% or more of the shares, equity interests, or other securities that have the authority to vote for the appointment of directors or other management positions.

Account refers to the unique account created so that You can access the platform and use its various segments.

Nation pertains to Singapore.

This Agreement refers to Immediate Achieve AI™, what will be referred to as "the company," "we," "us," or "our" throughout the document.

Equipment means any kind of technology that is capable of helping you access the services, which includes, computers, tablets, and mobile phones, but is not limited to them.

Service indicates Immediate Achieve AI™.

Terms of Service (AKA "Terms") showcase these conditions that form the agreement between You and the Corporation regarding usage of this Service.

External Digital Media Solutions entails all the content or services that you can get on Immediate Achieve AI™, such as data, information, products, or utilities. It includes all data that is presented, incorporated, or made accessible through this platform.

The website refers to Immediate Achieve AI™ you can access it through this address.

"You" refers to the person utilizing or engaging with the Service, or the business or other legal entity on whose behalf the individual is utilizing or engaging with the Service, as applicable.


These are the terms and conditions that indicate the usage of this Service and the contract that You agree to with this organization. These terms and conditions also provide the complete rights and responsibilities of all users regarding the Service usage.

You are bound to agree and adhere to the Terms and conditions if you want to use the specific aspects of this platform. It is also important to note that these terms and conditions will apply to any user, visitor, or third party using or interacting with the platform.

You consent to agree and stick by these terms and conditions when using the Service. If you don't find any part of these Terms and Conditions acceptable, then it is best to avoid using or engaging the Service.

You also confirm that you are above the age of 18 as Immediate Achieve AI™ doesn't allow any individual to use the Service under the age of 18.

Your usage and engagement with Immediate Achieve AI™ are subject to agreeing and adhering to the privacy policy. The Privacy Policy gives you a clear idea about how we collect, use, and share your personal data when you use or engage with our Website or Application. You also get an idea of the privacy entitlements and legal protections and it is why we encourage you to go through our Privacy Policy before you start using our service.

User Accounts

When creating on Immediate Achieve AI™, it is important that you provide with us all the details that are accurate, updated, and comprehensive in all situations. Failure to do so means that it is a violation of these Terms and we might deactivate your account on an immediate basis.

You are responsible for keeping your password safe when accessing the Services and for all engagements or transactions done through the password, whether you have the password associated with the Service or any other Third-Party Social Media Service.

You will not share Your password with anyone else. If there has been an access or breach into your account, then you will let us know about it as soon as possible.

In addition to that, usernames must not impersonate another individual or entity, infringe upon intellectual property rights, or be considered offensive or inappropriate for a professional environment.

Intellectual Property

The Platform, the proprietary content (apart from the material that You or other users provide, features, and functionalities are and will continue to be the ownership of Immediate Achieve AI™ and its licensors.

The Service is protected in domestic and international jurisdictions because of copyright, trademark, and various regulations. We ensure that there is a complete adherence to all these laws.

The usage of our trademarks and trade dress is not allowed in line with any features or service without obtaining proper authorization in writing from Immediate Achieve AI™.

Links to Other Websites

Our Platform might also have links to various websites or services that or under the ownership or purview of Immediate Achieve AI™.

Therefore, it means that Immediate Achieve AI™ won't have any control over their activities. Furthermore, it doesn't bear any responsibility for the content, privacy policies, or practices of any external websites or services. Furthermore, you also agree that incurring losses by using third-party apps, websites, services, etc., on the platform is solely your responsibility. Immediate Achieve AI™ in no way will be responsible for any actions that occur due to your usage or dependence on any of these websites or third-party services.

It is best that You understand the terms and conditions along with the privacy policy before you start any external website or services.


We can suspend or terminate Your Account on the platform without giving You any prior notification about it, for any reason that we deem fit, especially if feel that You didn't abide by the Terms and Conditions.

As soon as your Account is suspended, you will lose the right to use the Service. After deactivation of the Account, You may continue to use the services as before.

Limitation of Liability

Despite any losses you may incur, the total liability of the Immediate Achieve AI™ and all its providers under any provision of these Terms, as well as your exclusive remedy for all the aforementioned issues, will be limited to the amount you have paid through the Service or $100 if you have not made any purchases through the Service.

In accordance with applicable laws, Immediate Achieve AI™, and its providers will not be held responsible for any exceptional, incidental, indirect, or consequential losses or damages under any circumstances. These losses could include, but are not limited to loss of profits, loss of data or other confidential information, disruption of business operations, personal injury, and invasion of privacy. These limitations apply whether the losses or damages result directly or indirectly from using the Service, being unable to use the Service, using third-party software or hardware with the Service, or any violation of these Terms. It also applies regardless of whether Immediate Achieve AI™ or its providers were informed about the possibility of such damages, or even if these Terms fail to fully achieve their intended purpose.

Some regions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties or the limitation of liability for incidental or consequential damages. This means that certain terms mentioned above may not apply to you if you live in one of these regions. In such cases, the liability of each party will be limited to the fullest extent allowed by the applicable laws.

“AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” Disclaimer

Immediate Achieve AI™ is provided to you "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" meaning we offer it in its current state, including any existing flaws or imperfections. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Immediate Achieve AI™, along with our affiliates, licensors, and service providers, expressly disclaim all warranties, whether they're explicitly stated, implied by law, or created through common practices in the industry. This disclaimer applies to all warranties, including but not limited to various things. It includes merchantability which means there's no guarantee the platform will meet the typical standards expected for similar products. We cannot guarantee the platform will perfectly align with your specific trading needs or goals as well as any undisputed ownership rights to the platform itself. In addition to that, we cannot guarantee the platform's operation won't infringe on the rights of any other individual or entity. This disclaimer also covers any warranties that might arise based on past interactions, performance history, or common industry practices.

To further clarify our position, neither AI Definity 1000 Platform nor any of the companies that help us operate the platform make any promises or guarantees, whether explicit or implied, regarding the following:(i) We cannot guarantee the platform will always function flawlessly, or that the information, content, products, or services offered within will always be accessible. (ii) The platform isn't perfect, and we can't guarantee it will always operate without errors. There's a chance you might encounter bugs or glitches during use. (iii) We strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information on the platform, but we cannot guarantee its absolute precision or reliability. It's always wise to conduct your own research to confirm any critical details. (iv) Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee the platform, its servers, the content it hosts, or the emails we send are completely free of viruses, malicious scripts, trojan horses, worms, malware, time bombs, or other harmful elements.

Certain jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of specific warranties or limitations on a user's statutory rights. Therefore, some or all of the exclusions and limitations mentioned above may not apply to you. In such cases, the exclusions and limitations outlined in this section will be enforced to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.

Governing Law

These Terms and your use of the Service are governed by the laws of the Nation, except any conflict of laws principles. In addition to these Terms, you may also be subject to other local, regional, national, or international laws.

Conflict Settlement

If there are any queries or issues that you face with the Service, you will first try to reach an agreement with Immediate Achieve AI™ and contact us initially.

For the European Union (EU) Users on Immediate Achieve AI™ (1A)

As a user from the EU, you can take advantage of all the compulsory provisions of the legislation of the country where you live.

The United States Legal Compliance

You confirm and verify that (i) You are not living in a country that falls under the embargo set by the US government or is considered to be a "terror-supporting" nation, and (ii) You don't fall into any categories of the banned or limited individuals by the US government.

Divisibility and Forbearance


If any provision of these Conditions is found to be unenforceable or invalid, that provision will be modified and interpreted to achieve the objectives of the original provision to the fullest extent possible under applicable law. The remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.


Unless otherwise specified in this document, the failure to assert a right or enforce a duty under these Terms does not limit a party's ability to assert such right or enforce such duty in the future. Additionally, the waiver of one breach does not constitute a waiver of any subsequent breaches.

Deciphering Decryption

If we have provided the Terms and Conditions in multiple languages through our Service. However, you agree that the original English version will prevail in the event of any discrepancies or disagreements.

Changes to These Terms and Conditions

We have the complete authorization at your own discretion to make any changes or to substitute these Terms whenever we feel there is a need. We will provide you with a month's notice if there is a major change that you will see because of the implication of new terms. It is at our behest what we determine as a significant change.

If You continue to use and access Our Service after the new changes are implemented, then it means that You agree to adhere to the new conditions. In case you don't agree with the new terms, either in entirety or partially, then it is highly recommended that you don't use or access the website and the Service.

Contact Us

If there is anything that you want to ask us regarding these Terms and Conditions, then you can contact us:

Upon accessing this section on our web platform.